As posted in WashingtonExec
Written by Srimathi Sridhar on January 18, 2013 in Execs to Know, News, Small Business
WashingtonExec 2013 Government Contracting Outlook Series:
The new year brings big changes for the Federal IT industry, and WashingtonExec is back with its Government Contracting Industry Outlook Series.
We are giving local executives the opportunity to share their thoughts on where they see our industry headed this year and beyond. Leaders were asked a series of questions focused on cloud computing, healthcare IT, defense, mobility, and more.
David Kervin, CSO & VP of Business Development at Navstar Inc., spoke with us about what he sees for the new year:
“Now that we know the Mayans were wrong we can look forward to 2013 again being “the year” of Big Data. Because the Federal budget process drives agencies to identify tech spending for what they want 2 years before they want it, innovative and active external outreach by agencies to industry is going to become more and more important to ensure agencies have access to leading edge technology within FAR compliant processes. Outreach and evaluation programs like the iLAB, EVAL and NEAT platforms and other similar programs will continue to play an important role in collaboration between industry and government.
Navstar is focused on collaborating closely with our government partners to deliver on the promise of Big Data and to solve the challenges of velocity, variety, volume, relevancy and the migration from legacy systems to the cloud where advanced analytics can be applied with a range of widgets and apps. In this area Navstar has innovated and is delivering an open framework for migrating legacy data and/or apps to the cloud where new apps and widgets can be built to apply advanced analytics via CASE™. CASE™ is a technology agnostic, modular framework designed to offer our government partners flexibility during the project lifecycle within a highly secure environment and incorporating the major aspects of Data Management, Analytical Tools, Agile Development and Information security.
While the Mayans got it wrong, they had time on their side. Our national security agencies unfortunately don’t have the same luxury. As the challenges of operationalizing Big Data continue to present themselves, Navstar looks to continue to be a thought leader bringing relevant, timely solutions to bear with expertise and processes that can make a difference in our national security effort.”
Read more about Kervin joining Navstar here.